Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Life is good even when it's not.

I don't know what it was, I don't know why-but today was just not my day. I usually never cry in front of my friends, but today I just let loose in the car to Kenal.

I think I have just had so many things building up lately that finally they just came out. Last year was so easy and I thought that they would pretty much always be like that. What a silly Sophomore I was.

Life is getting hard-and that is okay. Because, you know what, I LOVE it. Of course I don't love the bad days but I love that I find myself enjoying life more. It really is true that you don't know how good something is until you have experienced the opposite. And even though I felt like I was just going to break into a million pieces today, I know that things are going to be just fine. There will be more days like this, but I know I will always have the Gospel, my family, and friends to lean on; and that there is always going to be a better day around the corner.