Monday, June 13, 2011

Proceed with Caution

So, here's the deal-I am addicted to Prison Break. For two days now me and my brother have been having been sitting in our basement with our eyes glued to the TV. It is highly addicting, and I would say that you all should watch it because it is freakin' amazing--but then you might just end up vegetables like me and McKay.


  1. aaaah! i learned all my gang lingo from prison break! who knew shank was both a noun and a verb?! haha plus michael schofield is dang hot.

    p.s. you'll have to tell me how seasons 3 and 4 are :)

  2. Oh indeed, indeed he is!!! And, I am so glad that you love it as much as I do! haha Also, dude I totally have them on netflix so you can just come watch them! 3 is pretty amazing so far!
