Thursday, February 10, 2011

Casa...Home. Casa-Home. CASA = HOME!!!!

You know that it's much to late, and that clearly you struggle with the math when your brother has to explain it to you using Spanish.
Pre-calculus. Or in other words-muerto.
Last night, being the good sibling he is, Mckay, my dear brother, attempted to teach me the most dreaded subject. Also, knowing what makes sense to me he integrated trig functions with Espanol. I understood! Just kidding...
Yes, indeed, Casa=Home. But how in the heck does this kfsjkjfaslkjdfsl=jfkjsakljfksdjflk (PIE/2-1)???????? Half the time I just got the roof of the casa...or was it the house? There is no telling.
Frustrated, Mckay left the room and was never to return.
So, I tried to do it by myself. +
Overcome, I shut my book and left the room...never to return.
According to my calculations, that would mean Pre-Cal then=the point of no return.
May Mckay be commended for his efforts.


  1. i like that you incorperated phantom in this.
    i do that on a regular basis now. i text it, and write it in my journal, and i am constantly singing it in my head or out loud. also, i wrote one in this comment. maybe you can find it. but it is pretty tricky.

  2. hahahaha, oh Cammie, I just love you! and it the "in my head or out loud" part?
