Monday, February 28, 2011

Oh no David Osmond- you stole my heart.

Who had a stare down with David Osmond? Yes, that would be Haley and myself. We were just sitting peacefully at the fireside when we look up to see beautiful, beautiful David staring at us. There is several ways you can handle this:

The first-be like me and just sit there jaw dropped, eyes wide- starring in unbelief wondering to yourself if you are really seeing what you think you are seeing. Totally starstruck.

The second-use what I like to call the gangsta or Haley method; in which you show that celebrity that they are just not as famous as they think-throw your hands out in 'back off dude' way and mouth 'wha?!'

Either one works really, just so long as you drag your young women leader up to the stand with you, who at one point dated the celebrity, to shake his hand, swoon at his gorgeous face and voice, and in your leaders case-reminiss.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Hello ma friendz"

Youth Conference: amazing (as always). :)

We went to Aspen Grove, which was covered in about 10 ft. of glistening snow. Not, the gross kind of slush that makes you sick to your stomach, but the fresh, gorgeous, powdery snow that makes you want to sit inside by a fire and sip hot cocoa. Resplendent. We went sledding and watched crazy boys do all sorts of tricks into it, cross country skiied, karoke-a classic, and mas.

Then last night, after we all got home from the winter wonderland, we watched the movie premiere of Unitards, at our stake center.
Bean bag? Of course. Was it the movie hilarious? Heck yes! Are me and Haley still quoting it? Is the title of this post not a quote? The answer is yes.

And, in about 20 min. I am going over to the church to listen to John Bytheway and David Osmond speak. So. Excited.

Gotta love Youth Conference. Thanks to all who provided this wonderful week for us. :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Uh...hmm...yeah. How did you mix that up?

My dad, is one of the most hilarious people alive. He can make anyone laugh, and is always making snarky comments. But, today, his humor was non-intentional.
This is what happened; the New Era and Ensign came in the mail, and so my dad glances down and the Ensign and was like, "Hey Mckay, your Russian Liahona is here."
STOP. First problem. The name of the magazine clearly says...Ensign, not Liahona.
Second Problem. It's all in English-no Russian whatsoever (Although, I would have been quite pleased if it had).
Us-"Uh...that's not Russian" So, we all just start crackin' up laughing. Dad-"Well I didn't read it!"
haha. I believe at this point that had become quite apparent daddy. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's good to be back.

Have you ever just missed yourself? Like honestly. Not in any conceeded way, but just felt like you weren't... you? If you have never experienced's awful, and I would suggest it to no one. Lately I have been in kind of a rut. Things just seemed like to much to handle, and I was quickly becoming a stressed, unhappy person.
But, this week a chain of events has unfolded that has snapped me back into place. It is one of those times where you feel as if Heavenly Father just swooped down and gave you one of his big merciful and loving hugs that makes it all better. I am myself, and everything is going to be,not only okay...but great. It's good to be back. :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Let's talk about Zimbis

Today was...weird. It was like a really good day...but somethings happened that made it feel like it shouldn't be...? Complicated. So, I'd rather not blog about that.

Let's talk about ZIMBIS!

Zimbis-the new development in our favorite lunch pastime. Water Bottle Throwing. A zimbi is a juice that is in a nerf-football shape. You drink of the delicious wolfberry and then after it is gone, you throw it. The warning says not to do so at people...but that's the fun part.
There are also several different throwing techniques as shown on the bottle. We found the most effective to be the overhead toss. Low calorie too.
But anyway-- I guess what I'm really trying to say is that you should go buy yourself a Zimbi! And, that if you happen to get hit with one...I'm sorry. Still working on that aim.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day :)

Valentines day.
I love it, and always have. I think it all sprouted in elementary. All the sparkly decorated boxes, the excitement when your teacher gave you the list of people in the class, picking out the perfect valentine cards, ripping all the candy of the cards, the hope that the "#1 boy on your list" would give you a special valentine. It was stupid-but it was fun.
High School, is not quite the same, we don't make boxes and don't really give out cards. But, that doesn't matter. Because every time February 14th rolls around, the feeling is still the same.
I love it, and always will.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Did that really just happen?

Me-"Hey Cammie, there is Nate, go tap on the window." *BANG*
"Did you just throw that water bottle at the window?"
Cammie-"You said to tap on the window."

Me-"Yeah. I said to TAP on the window; not throw a water bottle at it!"

Nate turns and looks a little concerned; then laughs a bit.
Cammie picks up the bottle, thats lid is completely smashed in.


Then I went to Human Biology, and this is the first thing I hear (beware-this is HUMAN biology so there is bound to be some talk of anatomy)...
Someone-"Just take some kind of collateral"
Biggs-"Yeah, his testicles."
Me and Addie look at eachother
Addie-"He is mad."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Casa...Home. Casa-Home. CASA = HOME!!!!

You know that it's much to late, and that clearly you struggle with the math when your brother has to explain it to you using Spanish.
Pre-calculus. Or in other words-muerto.
Last night, being the good sibling he is, Mckay, my dear brother, attempted to teach me the most dreaded subject. Also, knowing what makes sense to me he integrated trig functions with Espanol. I understood! Just kidding...
Yes, indeed, Casa=Home. But how in the heck does this kfsjkjfaslkjdfsl=jfkjsakljfksdjflk (PIE/2-1)???????? Half the time I just got the roof of the casa...or was it the house? There is no telling.
Frustrated, Mckay left the room and was never to return.
So, I tried to do it by myself. +
Overcome, I shut my book and left the room...never to return.
According to my calculations, that would mean Pre-Cal then=the point of no return.
May Mckay be commended for his efforts.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

You may call me Mrs. Sicky

I'm sick. But honestly-what person that lives in Utah isn't, or at least doesn't have it comin'? No one, that's who. The good news is that we have medicine, and that I got a day off of school today to catch up on some much needed rest and to start feeling better.

So here is how today went...

I slept into almost twelve. Then when I woke up, I sat on my mom's bed and watched disney channel till I got the courage to get in the shower. Got myself ready for the day. Waited for my mom to come home and take care of me. She came home. Then I went to the school and watched the rec-ball game of the century. (Which due to my sickness, I probably shouldn't have done...but who could miss such a game?) I came home and ate taco salad and watched castle with some of the fam.

Some answers would be appreciated

I miss you, that's all. Don't ask me why because, honestly, I wouldn't be able to give you a straight answer. It could be that we had some good times together, it could be the fact that you are just so adorable, it could be because I don't understand what happened. Most likely it is all of those combined. But, above all these things--I miss what good friends we were.
I would like some answers, and also I would like some courage to ask for them.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Lunch: not just for eating

Lets just start the hilarity from the beginning--so second period. Newman. Who at the very end of class, after getting his all time high on a map game, decided to scream, jump, and throw desks over for joy. Funniest. Thing. Ever. I feel bad for all those who missed it. Three Cheers for Newman for making all of our lives.

Lunch. Now, all of our lunches seem to be adventures, but today was just out of control. It was the most comical, gut-busting, side-splitting, uproarious (take your pick) lunch of my high school existence. Here is why...
# 1- The water bottles came out.
#2- When the water bottles come out, we do not just drink them. We punch them-usually aiming to get them through doors, but most often end up hitting people, especially those we do not know. (BTW, I am truly sorry to the poor student I accidentaly hit. I hope you can forgive me! But, if it makes you feel any better-it was probably the best shot I've ever made...heh
#3- Brayden came and joined in. Super funny, also extremely dangerous. For a few moments we thought he was gonna put someones eye out. It all turned out okay though.
#4-Chevy hit/punched a water bottle at me of which I immediately reflected off my arm, and into Haley's forehead. Haha, whoops...
#5-Chevy hit Kinsey in the head with a bottle cap. Looking Back I'm thinking that Chevy probably shouldn't be allowed near the bottles anymore...

All in all-a great day. Feel free to join us at lunch one day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Your Biggest Fan

Dear P.G.,
I am your biggest fan. I love you more then M loves the M. (get it M&M's? Yeah-pretty clever.)Your Viking blue proudly courses through my veins, and always will.
Sometimes at wrestling meets, me and my friends sit on the opposite side and yell for you--got keep the Viking spirit up in all the building, don't ya know.
Once my mom asked me if I just always wanted to live in PG, and the truth is- besides my college years, I can't imagine living anywhere else.
Erin Lou

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's like, am I even in newspaper?

In the literal sense I am in fact in newspaper. Right now. Blogging-when I should be writing an article about blogging. I think that I'm hoping that by posting inspiration will come. Ooo! how about... mmm...nope, I got nothing.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To the beloved 19

Could it be the furry hats? The crazy-awesome language? Or just the fact that my brother went on his mission there. I honestly can say that I don't know. But, I am quite fond of Russia. So, you can imagine the splendor I felt when it said that I had 19 views from the illustrious land of the Russia. Naturally, I am aware of the fact that it is very possible that these views were just numbered because some Russian accidentally stumbled onto my blog, and then before even reading a word skipped onto the next, but lets just pretend for a moment that they actually read it. What a nice little thought.