Thursday, May 2, 2013

She's indecisive, she can't decide:

I've been stewing over what to educate you on.

Then genius struck. Obviously I'm good at not making decisions.

So, here is a how to on avoiding decisions:

1. Think about it the decision at hand.

2. Let the worry sink in. Or don't...that's better for your heart anyways.

3. Take a nap.

4. Get up from the nap.  Sit down in decision making spot.

5. Insta, Facebook, Blog Stalk.

6. Pull out things relevant to making your decision.  Whether that be college applications, job applications, or your journal. Stare at it for a while...maybe write a word or two.  Draw some doodles.

7. Snapchat? Email? You best check that.

8. Decide you've earned an episode of the Mindy Project and maybe some dinner. Check Facebook and Insta for anything new that might have happened in the past 20 min.

9. Realize it's getting late and you need to do your homework.

10. Go to bed.

Rinse and Repeat. Works like a charm.


  1. Haha this is hilarious. Love it.
    ALSO another lover of The Mindy Project! Huzzah
    let's be beffys.

  2. Well, thank you so much! Also seriously, let's do! You can teach me how to sing. haha :)
