Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm not joking, no not one bit.

I got stood up-by sister missionaries. No, ladies and gentlemen I am not joking, not one bit. It is actually quite the funny story. So, I was supposed to go on splits with them, and they told me to meet them at the stake center at 6. I went, but so did all the priesthood seeing as it was the priesthood session. Lots of weird looks and explanations were given. No, I was not trying to sneak into your session. haha.
I sat in the chairs for a half and hour and nowhere to be seen were the sisters. So, I went home. They later called me and apologized for missing me. But, it is perfectly fine, because I am positive that they were serving someone somewhere, and it was just a mishap. :) Plus, I love the missionaries, and I will just have to catch them next time. :) haha

Also, General Conference was amazing, I learned so much this year. I would have to say Elder Richard G. Scott's talk was probably my favorite, it was so touching. But, all the talks were amazing and I would encourage anyone who missed them to go watch them on the internet! Because, I promise that you will find any answer that you are diligently searching for, by watching. The Church is most definitely true :)

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