Wednesday, December 29, 2010

You're always after me lucky charms!

My name is Erin Lou. I used to hate my middle name, but now, I realize that it fits me quite well. Actually, my friends just call me that, so I figure it's either accept it, or die.
I am 17 years old, live in Pleasant Grove, party hedsfhsdlkfjslkdjfaklhaha-as you can tell I have a short attention span, and get frustrated easily. look out-I could blow at any moment.
I have some problems, the first and foremost being that i worry...CONSTANTLY. Such as right now. I worry what people will think about this blog. Number two- My legs... they have to be up, at all times. When I stand in the halls, i ask if people will hold my leg, my left one usually. They all say no, except for Cammie. Sign of a true friend? They will hold any sort of limb for you. Thirdly- Textures. Need I say more? I see a backpack, or a shirt, or anything really, and i have and uncontrollable urge to feel it up (get your mind out of the gutter). Cuatro- As you might be able to tell from the numero i just escribered. I like Spanish, nay, i love it. Often times i just speak Spanglish. Yeah. It's not a problem.
Kenal (or as the school recognizes her-Kendall) Celeste Parker is my best friend ever. She is a LEPRECHAUN. She is short, green (false-she wears green), and has reddish hair depending on if she is wearing green or most of the time. Also, as many Irishman/women are she is a fiery one.
Why is it called a Blog?

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