Monday, July 9, 2012

I like this more than I should

Le Rules:
1. Post 11 facts about yourself
2. Answer the questions the 'tagger' has set for you
3. Provide 11 new questions
4. Tag, tag, tag

Facts or as I like to call them..secrets:
1. I love surprises.
2. I like to tell people secrets but only if they ask for them.
3. I think these (^) little carrot things are cute so I find excuses to use them.
4. I check my email more than the average teenager.
5. I'm really excited for little boy to go on his mission.
6. I'm a lot nervous for my last day in PG to come around.
7. I would like very much for my dixie one card to come in the mail.
8. Sometimes my parents mistake my pale skin for white tights... I wear pants a lot. 
9. I think that I just gave you two secrets for one. ^ (excuse found ;) )
10. I tend to have really weird dreams.
11. I like when people use my middle name on occasion.

Kellee's questions:

One) Cats or Dogs
Doggies. No competition.
Two) Name of your favorite Temple.
I like Mt. Timpanogas because it is like my temple. But St. George's is cool because you get to knock on the door for baptisms. 
Three) Favorite Date you've ever been on and why.
Anytime I'm with little boy.
Four) The best store to buy clothes.
Forever 21-even though they fall apart fairly quickly.
Five) Most important thing on your list of 100 things to do.
It is kind of a chain of events.
Six) Favorite childhood memory.
Reading my grandma bedtime stories with Angie so that we could hear her snore again. ha.
Seven) An actor you absolutely swoon over.
James Marsden.
Eight) Toilet paper rolled over or under.
Oh dear...over. 
Nine) Your favorite year in school & why.
It's between junior year because it was a party with all ma gurls and Senior year because that's when I met little boy. :)
Ten) If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why.
mmm...nothing. I know--cliche. It's not that there are things I don't wish I could change, but they are what keep me balanced. 
Eleven) Favorite board game.
Well, this is a recent development, and also a card game not a board game. But-Wizard. I like it a lot.

Riddle me this:
1. Favorite word?
2. What TV show do you think is the most hilarious?
3. Favorite number, and why?
4. If you could make a movie out of a moment in your life, what moment would that be?
5. What sound makes you cringe?
6. Something you think is adorable or makes you swoon?
7. Something that you absolutely hope your roommate doesn't do?
8. What college do you think you will go to?
9. What style of wedding dress is your favorite?
10. One thing you really wish you could do?
11. Cake, cupcakes, or brownies?

Hey you:
Cammie Rachelle

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