Sunday, January 23, 2011

A weekend in review

fRiDaY- I hung out with Megan after school. We planned on...but not really...doing math. Of course, that didn't happen. Let's be honest-I didn't even bring my backpack into her house. haha.
Then at about seven Cammie, Haley, and me went to see Megamind. I feel asleep-with my feet up in the air. It was pretty comfortable. But, as for the movie, the parts I saw were really good. I am half tempted to go see it again and actually stay awake for all of it. Then after that we went to go get Texas Ring doughnuts at Macey's, but there were only these little mini things. As you can imagine, it was very upsetting. For real-go big or go home.
Also, I finally received the sisterhood of the traveling shirt!!! I will most definitely be sportin' that beaut Monday!
SaTuRdAy- Went to the ward basketball game where we dominated, 31-10. We were all just on fire. There was a bruise obtained.
Then, at 3, me and Emily went to Isaac and Omer's game. There was a lot of people we knew so it was way fun, and pretty hilarious. They won. After the game we went on driving adventures and to Baskin Robbins. I almost choked, then Emily almost choked, then we left.
Emily gave us the exclusive tour of Orem Library. More driving. Saw several of Emily's grandma's houses. Isaac's house. Grocery store. Emily's house. Hair salon and 17 again. Home.
tOdAy- It was stake conference and it was amazing. They had great speakers, and it was just so refreshing. Two of the talks they had were by recent converts, who just had a feeling that they needed to come to Utah. Two weeks later they were baptized. I love the Gospel.

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