Thursday, January 24, 2013

College Funnies.

Also this one...

I'm ashamed of myself for posting cat pictures, but they are just too good. 

Friday, January 4, 2013

to the seniors:

It is okay.
It is okay to not feel sure right now.
It is okay to feel a little lost, 
maybe even afraid.
It is okay to not have a clue what to do with your life.
It is a good thing to be excited. 

Something I want you to remember when you are in the middle of first semester:
It is okay. 
Really, it is.
Don't let your excitement die. 
It is okay that the world all of the sudden seems real.
It is okay that you might be feeling a little frustrated, lonely, or homesick.
It is okay that while everything is fast paced, you feel like you are moving slower.
It is okay to stop and listen to what you think you should do.
It's okay to take leaps of faith, 
and it is okay to make changes.

But, what you really should know is that it does get better.
It gets better when you go to the Lord and tell him you are scared or lost or confused.
It gets better when you ask for help and then let Him help you.
It gets better when you realize you aren't the only one.
It gets better when you commit to be positive and to 
let yourself have fun.

It's okay kids. Really. 
And once you realize that the Lord, and family, and friends love you,
and you let them be in your life. 
Things will start to fall into place.
It might just take a while,
and you might have to work at it,
and it might stretch you, and it might  be hard. 
but that is okay too.